Friday, July 2, 2010

Okay, so I’m a HUGEEE Harry Potter fan. I don’t know why, but I just find wizards really sexy and cool. I guess theres something about magical wands that makes me drool a little! Haha. Well anyways, I’m planning on getting a season pass to Universal Studios once I’m down in Orlando, Florida so I can visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter as much as I want. I’ve seen pictures of the theme park and the set just looks incredible. It’s looks so identical to the set in the movies! I can’t wait to take a stroll in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and also try some nonalcoholic butterbeer at The Three Broom Sticks! And what about some cool stuff from Zonkos (Fred and George’s magical store from the movies)? I’m planning to bring home a whole bunch of souvenirs from here because where else can you find stuff they sell there? Uh, nowhere! Only at Hogwarts!

And guess what else? Well, three of my roommates and I made a date to visit Hogwarts and speak in a British accent the entire time! Yeah I know, my roommates are pretty awesome because it wasn’t even my idea! It would've been totally my idea though! Haha.

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